How to Prepare for a Recording Session in LA

How to Prepare for a Recording Session in LA

Your song is complete and you’re ready to take your music to the next stage. After you’ve booked a recording session, you need to think about preparing for your time in the studio.

Here are our 5 Tips for How to Prepare for a Recording Session in LA. 

1. Plan Ahead

Before attending a recording session in LA, it’s very important to plan ahead. Make sure you have written down your lyrics. Ensure you have rehearsed them fully beforehand, until you know them by heart. 

You also need to make sure your music is ready for your recording studio session in LA. Download your music to a USB stick or external hard drive in advance. 

Studio time costs can build up, and not having these details planned in advance can waste precious recording time. 

2. Take Care of Your Body

It’s not just your music that needs taking care of before your recording session in LA. To perform at your best for a studio session, your body needs to be prepared.

Stay hydrated before and during your recording session in LA. This will make sure you create the highest quality performance, as poor hydration can impact heavily on your vocals

Similarly, a good night’s sleep is vital for a recording session. Sleep early the night before to get into the right mindset for the day ahead.

All this preparation will ensure you get the best recording. Why not book a session today?

3. Warm Up Your Voice

Another way to ensure your vocals are ready for your recording session in LA is to do some warm up exercises for your voice. Whether you’re a singer, rapper or vocal artist, learning how to control your breathing can help to perfect your performances

Learn to take deep breaths before you start your recording. These breaths should come up from the lower part of your chest and into your diaphragm. To get the best effect, you need to work breathing techniques into a daily vocal routine.

4. Be On Time

There’s nothing worse than turning up late to your own recording session in LA. Running late means taking precious time away from the recording itself. 

Make sure you know exactly where to park, and how long the journey will take you to arrive at the studio. Set off in plenty of time to factor in unexpected issues, such as traffic jams and weather conditions. 

Arriving on time shows you have respect for the experienced audio engineers who will work on your recording session in LA. 

5. Bring an External Hard Drive

When your recording session in LA is complete, you’ll need to transfer your music to take it away with you. 

Ensure you have brought an external hard drive, so your audio engineer can transfer your music before you leave the studio.

Be aware that exporting and transferring your files is done during session time. We recommend a high speed hard drive to make sure this process is done quickly and doesn’t cut into time that could be spent on being creative.

Keep these tips as a checklist and you’ll be guaranteed a great recording session in LA. Get in touch with MIX Recording Studio to book a session today!

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