Music Distribution It is sometimes nearly impossible to establish the path to success in today’s music industry mainly because of the competitiveness coupled with immensely increased output of music products into the market on a daily basis. To stand out from the rest, one
Music Making, Recording Studio How much time should I book for my first recording studio session in LA?
Music Making, Recording Studio Unlocking the Power of Your Vocals: Expert Tips and Tricks for Quality Singing
Mixing & Mastering Mastering the Mic: A Guide to Setting up a Template and Recording Rap and Singer Vocals
Music Theory Making money from your original songs: A Guide to Understanding Royalties and Registering with PROs
Music Distribution The Impact of Music Streaming on the Music Industry: Challenges and Opportunities for Independent Artists
Inspiration How to Build Your Brand as a Music Artist in Los Angeles: Social Media, Merchandising, and More
Music Distribution, Recording Studio 8 Reasons to go for a Professional recording studio instead of home-recording.
Music Distribution, Recording Studio How MIX Recording Studio Provides Unique Solution for Mixing And Mastering